------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disk no 720 "Cronum's Castle" by Matt Ashcraft & Richard Tonsing V1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is the first prize winner in PC-SIG's "Write an Adventure Module" contest. The adventure contained on this disk must be used in conjunction with the main adventure program on disk #297 in our library. ADVENTUR ER Data file ???????? ERR BASIC merge files (4 files) CHARACTE RS Data file DUNGEON BAS Main dungeon module EAMON ??? Data file (6 files) ERRATA Text file ERRATA BAT Batch file which explains files ending with extension of .ERR FRESHMEA T Data file READ-ME Introductory text file from the authors READ-ME BAK Back-up of READ-ME ROOM NAM Data file PC-SIG 1030D E. Duane Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG